Membership Info

Freedom to boat is at the very core

You get the opportunity not only to constantly use our yachts and equipment. This is a great way to find like-minded people. The sea distracts from household worries, helps to switch and restore its energy.


Membership Info

Membership сategories

Our club is a place to relax. We do a lot to make this holiday comfortable and pleasant for all club members. Becoming a member of the Club is very simple – you are required to take an active life position and help in organizing our events.

What gives you membership in the Club?

You can enjoy all the benefits you will receive. In return, we ask you not to violate our rules.

*Monthly sailing minimum is fully applied towards sailboat rentals, sail each month and satisfy monthly minimum.

Out of county resident club membership

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*Annual sailing minimum is fully applied towards sailboat rentals, take the whole year to spend annual minimum.



Additional membership benefits

We create concept designs and innovative proposals that explore future trends and have served as inspiration.

Enjoy your finest moments!

Join like-minded people! The registration program for participation in the regatta is open.

contact us

We'd love to hear from you and help you with any specific questions you may have.

Are you interested in collaborating and working with us? Let`s make great things together.

Join us today!

Join a team of like-minded people. You can leave here an application for participation in sports competitions or write us any questions that you are interested in.

All fields required